Mi Vida Loca en East Aztlan
Reflections on life in East Aztlan.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Gung Hei Fat Choi

The characters are for “Happy New Year.” I thought that folks might be interested, using Chinese astrology, to see what this year would bring for state politicians. And perhaps we could also look at the compatibility and incompatibility issues those five or six guys in a room might have in the year of the pig. I hope you'll find this little project to be divertingly funny.
The Chinese ideogram for pig is:

The positive attributes of the pig are that they are sincere, gregarious, diligent, generous, obliging and unpretentious. Negative attributes are that they can be: naïve, materialistic, superficial, pigheaded, gullible and lazy.
Some famous pigs are: California’s Governator, Maria Callas, Julie Andrews and Western New York’s favorite daughter Lucille Ball.
Pigs will generally have a good year in a pig year and get along with rabbits and goats. However, the nemesis of a pig is a snake!
OK so let’s go through the six fellas:
Spitzer is a pig. This will be Eliot's year. BTW, pigs get along best with rabbits or goats and have incompatibility problems with snakes. It just so happens that Joe Bruno is a snake – so it looks like fireworks are in store for the “Eliot and Joe Show.”
Patterson is a horse. They get along with best with tigers and dogs and have incompatibility problems with rats. Which might explain why Malcolm A. Smith is now the minority leader in the Senate; he’s a tiger.
Joe Bruno is a snake. They get along best with an ox or a rooster and have incompatibility problems with pigs. Like I said before – Joe’s woes are only beginning. BTW people born in the year of the snake are usually viewed as possessing great wisdom, for example two famous people born under this sign are Oprah and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Malcom A. Smith is a tiger. They get along with best with horses, dragons and dogs and have incompatibility problems with monkeys. As I noted above, perhaps this explains why Patterson elevated him in Senate leadership fight. BTW, tigers are notorious for getting into battles with older people or folks in authority. Hey looks like its going to be “Lucha Libre or ECW for those of you that are monolingually challenged” in the Senate this year.
Sheldon Silver is a monkey. They get along best with dragons and rats and have incompatibility problems with tigers. BTW, Ron Canestrari is a goat and goats get along famously with pigs – which means that Canestrari will have a good year this year!
Tedisco is a tiger. They get along with best with horses, dragons and dogs and have incompatibility problems with monkeys. Again, Shelly is a monkey so they’ll have their spats.
Labels: David Patterson, Eliot Spitzer, James Tedisco, Malcolm A. Smith, NY State Legislature, Ron Canestrari, Sheldon Silver