Saturday, September 23, 2006

The decline and fall....

Please excuse my absence – pero I’ve been going bien loco –

The Grey Lady reports on NCLB and reading:

The scores offered a sobering portrait for virtually all types of school districts in the state. Although wealthy suburban districts continued to far outperform poor urban ones, the decline in performance from the fifth through eighth grades was equally apparent in the richer locales, with the trend holding across Westchester and Nassau Counties as surely as in the Bronx or Buffalo and rural counties like Allegany.

So there you have it, reading begins to drop off in the middle schools – now the amazing part to me is that this ongoing decline in scores is simply being reported and accepted throughout the state.

Now, I’d appreciate knowing why we are not calling for Commissioner Mill’s resignation along with the sacking of the idiot school administrators who’ve allowed this situation to fester and deteriorate to this point.

I, for one, hope that one of Spitzer's first gubernatorial acts is to show Commissioner Mills the door.