Queens y Stop-NYRI
In today's NY Times a hint of why "we'll" need NYRI:
Dr. Shahidehpour said a proven if costly solution is to expand capacity, to build more substations and transformers so that the systems had more backup capacity. “Customer dissatisfaction and aggravation costs a lot more than replacing a transformer,” he said.
It is the old magician's trick - don't watch my hands -- look at the distraction. Pretty soon all of the wizards from OZ including Rude Rudy will start this meme. I give it a few days before we start seeing traces of this meme in the tabs and the Grey Lady herself; as Rude Rudy plunks his magic twanger and begins to play our swan song from the law and lobbying offices of Bracewell and Giuliani.
Yeah the Nine Mile Swamp will never be the same.............its clearly a case of Abyssus abyssum invocat and the rest of us Upstate will be caught in this nefarious web of money over people. BTW, I mentioned this to our local Supervisor and all he could do was spew forth the usual quota of Arkansas Project garbage.
I admire everyone at Stop NYRI going into battle saying: “¡No pasarán!” Yet, IMO it is impossible to not see the big screw coming and it will be delivered courtesy of the Rethuglican Express. On that day a smiling Giuliani will be telling folks around here from his NYC offices “Han pasado.” I hope on that day folks around here will understand the meaning of the old Latin saw Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur (You discern your true friend in uncertain circumstances/situations).
BTW, yesterday I startled a bronce conejito while taking out the stall muck to my manure pile. He ran off a bit and then just sat there and tried to blend in -- all the while keeping a wary eye on me. It was a beautiful afternoon -- thank god I won't be able to see the stupid powerlines from my house.